Our Commitment

The School will continue to promote the highest aims and expectations in the following ways:

  1. Every member of the school community has equal worth and an active role to play.
  2. We actively encourage communication between home and school. The support and involvement of the home in the education of children is expected, necessary and welcome.
  3. Pupils will be encouraged to develop self-discipline, self-esteem and self-confidence leading to independence.
  4. The School will enable each pupil to work purposefully towards the realisation of full academic and other potential.
  5. We expect all associated with Olive High Boys to treat others as they would like to be treated.
  6. The management structures provide for a caring and supportive school community. We are committed to educate the whole child; the emotional as well as the intellectual; the aesthetic as well as the physical; the moral and spiritual as well as the academic.
  7. We aim to enable pupils to assume an active and responsible role in society.
  8. We shall endeavour to ensure that the atmosphere of the school is happy and purposeful, demanding yet caring, challenging yet supportive.
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Parents/Guardian's Name(s)(Required)
Child's Name(s)(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY