Careers Education, Advice And Guidance
Olive High careers vision:
‘To provide equal opportunity for every pupil to learn about the wide range of post-16 education, employment and training options, without exception or bias, through immersive events, a dynamic curriculum, informative lessons and knowledgeable staff.’
In January 2018 the DfE published the new statutory guidance for Career Guidance in schools. The purpose to make sure that all young people in secondary school get a programme of advice and guidance that is stable, structured and delivered by qualified and experienced individuals. This statutory guidance has been restructured around the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.
The Careers Coordinator, SLT, curriculum leaders, external providers, and employers strive for continuous improvement and build on each benchmark further.
The school is strong and committed to all 8 Benchmarks:
- A stable Careers programme
- Learning from Career and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each pupil
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experience of workplaces
- Encounters with further and higher education
- Personal Guidance
Click below for our overview Update for 2023/2025 annual provision:
- Please click here for our careers curriculum learning objectives
- Please click here for the Gatsby Benchmarks
- Please click here for the Statutory Guidance
Post 16 Options:
Local Apprenticeship Opportunities
Useful Websites for Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance
- Key stage 4 to key stage 5 Transition Booklet
- Year 11 and 13 Apprenticeship Support April 2021
- Preparing for Your Future Online Course (ages 14-16)
- Labour Market Information
- Apprenticeships
- Amazing Apprenticeships (ASK Project)
- BBC Bitesize – Careers
- Army
- Royal Navy
- Royal Air Force
- Lancashire Police
- Lancashire Fire Service
- North West Ambulance Service
- Creative and Digital Careers – Creative Skill Set
- Creative and Digital Careers – CC Skills
- Creative Arts and Design
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Engineering